Fish Collection of Mr. Toshiyuki Suzuki
Kira's shell collection
Fish Collection from Osaka Bay
Torao Yamamoto's shell collection
Fish collection from the river system in Osaka City Kajiyama's shell collections
Fresh water fish collection transferred from the FreshwaterFish Protection Association
Terrestrial shells collected by Isao Matsumura from Osaka
Coral reef fish collection from Tokara Islands
Fishes and benthic animals of the Lake Biwa and Yogo
Amphibian collection of Dr. Mitsuru Kuramoto
Kogo's collection of crinoids
Amphibian and reptile colletion of Dr. Kazuo Koba
Collection of macrobenthic animals from Iriomote Is.
Amphibian and reptile colletion of Mr. Yasuhiko Shibata
Collection of macrobenthic animals from Osaka Bay
Macrobenthos Collection from bottom of Suruga Bay
Collection of attached organisms from Osaka Bay
Avian collection of Prof. Tamiji Kawamura
Collection of madreoporites from Amami Oshima Is.
Avian collection of Mr. Hatirobee Doi
Imafuku's hermit crab collection

Mammal and avian collection of Takarazuka Family Land

Kamezaki's hermit crab collection
Skelton of whales stranded at Osaka Bay
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