
講師:カロモン・ポール(ドレクセル大学フィラデルフィア自然科学アカデミー 軟体動物・無脊椎動物コレクションマネージャー)
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John Thomas Gulick in Japan
Though best known in the international scientific community for his pioneering work on the evolution of land snails, J. T. Gulick also played a major role in encouraging amateur science in Japan during the fourteen years of his second stay there (1875-1899). Yoichiro Hirase's Conchological Museum, the Conchological Magazine and the long scientific career of James Tokubei Kuroda - not to mention the description of more than a thousand Japanese mollusk species by H. A. Pilsbry and others between 1899 and 1920 - all stemmed from the influence of Gulick and his contemporaries in the Christian community in Kyoto during the key years 1894-7.
This talk compares and contrasts Gulick's encouragement of amateur natural science with the formal model taught by E. S. Morse and his successors at the Imperial University and considers the influence on natural science of social networks across continents and oceans.